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In commercial airline travel, there are many flight options. Some flights are direct. Others connect through one or more cities...

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His Tank is Always Full

It wasn’t too long ago that we started this new year, and now we are into our second month—well on our way into 2020! I hope you’ve...

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Guaranteed to Succeed

What if I told you that if you’d follow one simple rule, you’d be guaranteed to succeed? In 1998 the Lord gave me a key to success....

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The 3:16 Experience

Schedule: Our word for 2019 is “Abundant Harvest” and it’s time to take Jesus to the streets! What an amazing opportunity...

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Your Mouth Is a Tool

In the book of Mark, there’s an interesting little story about a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years. This...

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A Father’s Love

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about the prodigal son in Luke 15. “So he returned home to his father. And while he was...

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