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KCM Southwest Evangelism

The KCM Evangelism Team invited people to the Southwest Believers’ Convention. More and more souls are being brought into the Kingdom of God through the believers who are sharing the Word of God on the streets of Fort Worth.

Partners from all over the world were trained in how to share Jesus with others. With a desire to see the lost saved and their city won for the Lord, partners are being trained up each day. They have said that they are taking this training back to their own churches and will continue to see the lost saved and their city changed for the glory of God!

Two young team members were drawn to the candy store to talk to the lady behind the counter. They shared the scriptures from the Pocket Reference for Soul Winning Card and the lady said, “I am Hindu.” After that, she got busy and they had to leave. The next day, our evangelism team went back to the mall and two new team members walked into the same candy store and shared the Word with this same lady. She prayed and asked Jesus into her heart! One of the scriptures soul winners are taught is Isaiah 55:11: “The Word of God does not return void but always produces a harvest.”

A total of 2155 prayed to receive Jesus and made Him their Lord and Savior! Glory to God!

evangelism, evangelism tools, faith, Gospel, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, personal evangelism, riley stephenson, salvation, witnessing