Sharing Your Faith: An Essential Business
It has officially been one year since the first shutdown from COVID-19 occurred. While most of the world has shut down, faith has not.
And what a prime opportunity for us as believers to get out and share the good news, bringing faith to a world living in fear, isolation, division and desperation.
2,000 years ago, Jesus gave the Great Commission to every believer: “And then he told them, go into ALL THE WORLD and preach the Good News TO EVERYONE” (Mark 16:15).
It doesn’t matter your occupation or calling, Jesus commissioned every single believer to share the good news. This isn’t just for people in “ministry”; it’s an essential business for every believer.
Sometimes sharing your faith can feel foreign, especially if you’ve never done it before. Below are four simple steps to get started!
- Find an Evangelism group through your church.
- Go out and observe other believers sharing their faith.
- Push past the fear, and start sharing your faith.
- Remember to listen for, and allow, the Holy Spirit to speak through you (Jesus only said what He heard His Father say).
Getting out with an evangelism team, such as the Evangelism Outreach group at Eagle Mountain International Church (EMIC), is a great way to get your feet wet before you step out onto the water on your own.
Here are some important considerations when sharing your faith:
—Jesus loves you, and He loves you enough to trust you to share Him with the world! What an honor!
—Jesus loves every single person you come in contact with the same, no matter their faults or their past.
—The enemy does not want people to know Jesus. The good news is, you work for Jesus, and the battle has already been won!
—Don’t let fear rule when you’re sharing your faith. Just start.
—No matter where you personally may be in your walk with God, He can use you. Do not compare your faith to anyone else’s. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of your faith.
—Every seed you plant counts, whether it comes to harvest immediately or by way of another believer.
As you share, hold close to Hebrews 4:12-13 (MSG): “God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one can resist God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what.”
Remember, the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of you. Wherever you go, you are commissioned to share your faith! It is my hope that this article has encouraged and equipped you to feel more bold in sharing your faith wherever you go—whether you’re stopping to get gas, at the grocery store, on a flight, or going to get your mail.
Ultimately, if we are to reach everyone, we can’t get complacent as we grow in our faith, or assume most people we come in contact with are already saved. No matter where you are in your walk, there’s no better time to start sharing than today. Look at everyone as if they’re an unsaved family member. And look forward to reuniting with many of these familiar faces when you reach your heavenly home one day! They will thank you!