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A Message From Riley Stephenson

I asked the Lord why more people aren’t sharing their faith. Here is what he told me: “Most of my people know I said go, and have a desire to win the lost. They need to see themselves as my children, in the grocery stores, gas stations, fast food drive thru’s, with the pizza guy, telemarketers, co-workers and family.” “I said Go preach the Good News to everyone everywhere. My desire is for all to be saved! I told the disciples to go, they went and preached the word. I confirmed it with signs.”

They need to see themselves as I see them! When they do that they will see the greater works! We are committed to helping you reach out and share your faith in your world!

Healing At Faith Fellowship McKinney, TX!

Thank you for praying for our team! Recently we were at Faith Fellowship in McKinney, TX. Pastors Rob & Toni Gore invited us to teach, train, and equip the congregation on Soul Winning Evangelism. Over the weekend, 117 people prayed the prayer of salvation! Many were healed and believers were encouraged with a new boldness to share their faith!

Saturday Testimonies at Faith Fellowship!

God’s Will Is To Heal!

Watch this video! If you need healing in your body pray the prayer! I am believeing God with you for your healing! Send me your testimonies! God wants to heal you today!

evangelism, faith, Gospel, salvation